
Unlock the Power of Customer Feedback and Analytics with ExperienceConnect!

ExperienceConnect, our cutting-edge suite of services, empowers you to delve deep into your customer experience at your business. Our dedicated team works closely with you to uncover valuable insights into how your clients truly perceive their interactions with your brand. With our turn-key solution, you gain access to comprehensive Customer Feedback Management and Analytics.

Harnessing the capabilities of our advanced ExperienceConnect platform, you can seamlessly manage and analyze the wealth of data we collect. Armed with actionable insights from our customer feedback analysis, we collaborate to develop a robust strategy that enhances your customer experience and your company. Experience the transformative power of ExperienceConnect today and drive unrivaled growth in your business.

Core Concepts of ExperienceConnect

Customized Surveys to meet your company’s needs.

  • Transactional: Cover a point-in-time view of the customer relationship
  • Relationship: Gauge how customers view your company
  • Pulse: Measure how your customers feel right now

Contact your customers in their preferred method to get feedback.

Email, Phone, Web, and Text. For the best results, blend channels and tailor your point of contact to your customers’ preferences.

Comprehensive CX Program Support: Beyond Feedback

CX Program Support Team: CX Strategy Assistance, A Dedicated CX Champion, Customized Training for Managers, and Tools, Support, and Accountability
B2B CX Maturity Assessments Find out where your organization is on it’s CX journey in six performance areas: Goals & Strategy, Governance, Customer Listening, Employee Engagement, Analytics Improvement, and Closing the Loop
Professional Research Analysts: “You can tell the customer was hesitant at the beginning of the interview…and by the end they sounded like old friends!” Mike Kedanis, Altec

Live Interviews - B2B Customer Feedback /B2B Customer Satisfaction FeedbackLive Interviews

Many of our customers use live interviews because of their depth of information and accessibility. Since live interviews involve a back-and-forth interaction, our analysts can get rich data from your consumers. During each live interview, our team members will note key themes in the customer’s answers to use for analysis later. We record each call and make the files available on your ExperienceConnect platform.

Email/Web-link Surveys - B2B Customer Feedback /B2B Customer Satisfaction FeedbackEmail/Web/Text Surveys

Email surveys enable you to reach a large number of customers at an affordable price point. They can also capture details on a variety of transaction types. Our survey emails allow the customer to answer the first question in the email, then continue the survey on the web. A weblink survey works well when you want to collect data from a wide audience. Embed the survey on your webpage to engage consumers after a purchase or get a general opinion.

Hybrid Survey Approach - B2B Customer Feedback /B2B Customer Satisfaction FeedbackHybrid Approach

With a hybrid approach, we gather feedback by phone, email, and web depending on your company’s needs and your customers’ preferences.  Our team can help you determine an ideal mix of survey types to get you the data you need.


Trusted by B2B Businesses