
It’s time to make Customer Experience fun again! In this challenging year, we’ve all learned we need to have fun just to stay sane. Your Customer Experience program needs a little humor to thrive too. In my recent blog, Using Humor to Create Unexpected Customer Experience, I share how a Charlotte hardware chain uses humor to engage its customers. I also provide some guidelines for using humor in your Customer Experience program.

Why is humor so important to your customers? I found a blog by Joseph A. Michelli, Ph.D., “No jokes! The Role of Humor in Customer Experience,” that clearly answers this question:

  • Minimize distorted perceptions of danger
  • Help manage anger, thereby reducing conflict
  • Provide breathing room for constructive decision-making
  • Assist in communicating difficult feelings
  • Enhance feelings of well-being
  • Augment creativity
  • Strengthen social relationships
  • Abate the physical impact of stress
  • Create an engaging work environment

For some additional tips to help you incorporate humor in your customer experience, I recommend Hubspot’s, “6 Reasons You Need Humor in Customer Service.

What about your organization? How are you using humor? We’d love to know so we can share! Enjoy the signs.

Lynn Daniel

Using Humor to Create the Unexpected Customer Experience

In your personal buying, do you often experience humor in your interaction with providers? There are many reasons we do not experience humor.  Humor in Customer Experience can be the bridge to making an emotional connection to your customers. It may seem like it might get in the way of providing efficient and effective Customer Experience.

Sgt. Joe Friday, from Dragnet, Just the facts, Ma'am

Sgt. Joe Friday

In the words of Sergeant Joe Friday, “Just the facts, ma’am” (if you aren’t familiar with Joe Friday) when it comes to delivering good service. Yes, the service can be fast  and efficient, but it may not be memorable to a customer. To illustrate this point, let’s talk about Blackhawk Hardware.

The Local Hardware Store Customer Experience

Do you ever just go to the hardware store on the weekend just for a “hardware fix?” I do, and Blackhawk Hardware, a Charlotte institution, is the perfect hardware store for wandering. Not taking themselves too seriously, they say in their sponsorship for the local public radio station, “mismanaged since 1977.”  Continue reading

Client Customer Experience Success Stories

In this video, Jeff Whaley, Product Support Manager, Power Systems, Ohio Machinery Co/Peterbilt, shares they have used their Customer Experience Feedback to improve operations. He provides some of the actions they have taken to make it happen.


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