The power of conversation
Joy, Research Analyst, The Daniel Group
Joy, long-time Research Analyst at The Daniel Group, discusses the power of conversation and how The Daniel Group surveys invite engagement.
Complete transcript
“Yes, Bob. Well, we certainly appreciate the feedback. Oh, you’re welcome. Have a great rest of your day.”
Hi, I’m Joy, a research analyst here at the Daniel Group. And for over nine years, I’ve contributed to our company’s mission of helping our clients measure, manage, and improve their customer’s service experience.
Just the other day, I spoke with a gentleman who was very pleased with the service he received. The technician had arrived on time, he stayed at the work site the entire day until the issue was resolved, and that same technician educated the contact staff so that they knew the best way to operate the equipment.
And of course, there are those rare instances where I speak to a customer who is not as pleased and as a research analyst, I’m confident in our Link-Connect system and the other processes we have in place to alert our clients so that they can respond to their customers accordingly.
Yes, over the years, I have learned the power of a conversation. Almost daily customers will relay details that go far beyond that 1 to 10 scale. Our conversational surveys invite that kind of engagement so that customers know that they are heard and then our clients get to hear what their customers are saying. As a research analyst, I also enjoy working remotely. It allows me to have that work life balance, where I can do a job daily that I enjoy as a research analyst and then transition of course, to meet the needs of my family and pursue other interests like serving my community.
Well, thank you for listening to my experience here as a research analyst at the Daniel Group and of course, you have a great rest of the day. I’m going to talk to some more of our clients’ customers.
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