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Success Strategies | September 2019

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“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go?” Oscar Wilde

What do you need to let go of this fall in your perceptions about customer service?

  • Is it the belief that customer experience doesn’t impact your company’s bottom line?
  • Or is it viewing negative feedback as a nuisance instead of an opportunity?
  • What about those 8’s? Do you think there isn’t a way to get those customers to 9s or 10s?

Let’s start with how customer experience impacts your company’s bottom line. In a recent blog, “Great Customer Services Does Create Referring Customers,” I discuss how those customers that give you 9s and 10s are your best source of referrals. On the web, I found the blog, “There is a Correlation between CX and Revenue Growth — and Here’s the Data to Back It Up.” This provides an in-depth look at just how CX impacts growth.

So often we hear from our clients about receiving negative surveys and how these types of surveys dampen moral. In our blog, ”

The last perception to reconsider is the passive 8s. At our client conference earlier this year, one of our clients aptly said, “Eighters gonna Eight!” However, those eights aren’t hopeless, I promise. In “How Effective is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?” by focusing on:

  • Asking follow up questions to learn what is driving the score
  • Driving improvements
  • Learning about the entire customer experience
  • Building relationships with customers
  • Working with your team; not just individuals

Fall is a time of changing seasons, and it is a great time to think about what perceptions are holding your customer experience program back. Time to let go!

Let me know what you think!

Lynn Daniel

Customer Loyalty: Let’s Talk About 8

“What’s wrong with an 8?! Some people just don’t give 9’s and 10’s.” I’ve heard this question a lot from companies who measure customer loyalty using a 1-10 rating scale. It’s a common hot-button issue worth exploring. And the survey says… meh

A number of popular customer loyalty measurement systems sort customers into loyalty buckets based on their answers to a 1-10 rating question, and an 8 often falls into a middle-of-the-road “meh” bucket.

For example, the most well-known system is the Net Promoter System (NPS)*. It asks how likely a customer would be to refer a company to someone else, with 10 meaning very likely and 1 meaning very unlikely. It puts 7’s and 8’s into a category called passive. The top category is promoter and the bottom one is detractor.  Read More.

Service Recovery Excellence: Turn Customer Lemons into Lemonade

From time to time, even the best companies fail to deliver a great customer experience. Business is a human pursuit and mistakes are inevitable.

So, when bad experiences happen businesses shouldn’t be surprised; they should be ready to make things right.

The return on recovery is compelling. Negative customer experiences can lead to attrition and lost revenue in the short term, as well as longer lasting reputation impacts from negative word-of-mouth.

Effective service recovery efforts can mitigate these problems and, in the right situations, even result in stronger customer loyalty than before the mistake was made. It’s a win-win for both company and customer.  Read More.

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